
endearing parasites

Just came back from a study session on microbes and parasites.

My friend had become a specialist in medical zoology, told us excitedly how Strongyloides stercoralis infected us as larvas (type F) and grew up in human bodies to lay eggs.  The eggs then hatches and larvas (type R) come out of our intestines, turn into type F again before breaking through our anus and into our body to repeat the cycle.

We also studied about larva migrans -- when a parasite mistakes a human as a host while in fact humans are intermediate hosts.  Since the larva can't grow in the human body in this case, it gets trapped and it moves around, searching for a better place, a better tomorrow.  They never grow up, causing severe symptoms.  It's just like Peter Pan Syndrome, when you can't grow up and cause pain to people around you.

By the way, Anisakis live in mackerels, and we've all had makerels.  I'm sure we've had tons of cooked Anisakis without even noticing.  A set lunch of rice and cooked mackerels that looked so delicious actually might've been a set lunch of rice and Anisakis, with a piece of mackerel.  Hmm... sounds so yummy!

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