
when the time comes






So after the 打ち上げ (finally done with anatomy!) we went to a bar and at one point, we were talking about how we wanted to die.

I don't want to suffer; I want it to come suddenly and be done.
Me too.
Really?  I'd rather die of cancer than a stroke.
Me too.  I want some time to do some preparing.
Like leaving a note about organ donations and stuff?
Well... it's more about wanting the opportunity to say thanks to my family and friends.
I see, what about you Broccoli?  Seems like you're always living life to the fullest.  You wouldn't mind dying any day, would you?
I don't know... I don't think today is a good idea.  I have a couple of unwashed undies in the washing machine.
Who cares?
I can sort of relate though; I actually wonder if what I'm wearing today is okay.
But then you'll have to walk around naked so you can have a stroke anytime.
Or in a red T-back.
I don't know about my boxers but I honestly have nothing I'd be ashamed of to have people find when I die.
Except for your porn videos?
...Maybe.  I wouldn't mind my friends seeing them but I don't want my parents to see them.
You'll be fine; we'll distribute them as keepsakes.  It would be fun finding out your preferences.
We'll remember you and shed tears while watching your S&M collection.
You're the one who likes S&M.
Yeah, so?

I know this conversation was only funny because none of us are actually facing death.  At the moment, I think I want some time to prepare, but I don't know what I would feel when/if I have to suffer.  Anyway, I should probably start showing more gratitude to people around me before it's too late - especially my parents.


in a haze of blue










anatomy ends

It actually does seem like a short time to see everything in the body. It felt like we'd been doing it for ages (it was probably around 150 hours in total) but now that the class is over, it feels like everything was done before we knew it. Personally, I want to do it all over again because I still had a lot of things I wanted to observe. We were the last group in the lab when the test ended and everyone was fed up when I said I still wanted to look at all the organs; they sort of acted like a mother trying to tidy up all the toys while the kid was still messing around. One of the last things I wanted to touch was the testis but I gave up because I didn't want to look at it while everyone was looking at me. But all in all, we did see most of the stuff in the body. I felt a bit nostalgic when I put the brain back into his skull but I think everyone else was just tired.

Yesterday, when we put the bodies in the coffins, many groups had a coffin the family had prepared, but our friend's was prepared by the school. It was just a large box made of thin wooden boards and a plastic sheet inside and I felt sort of sad when I saw the other coffins with cushions and decorations inside. Our friend was tall so he actually needed a special coffin and I felt sad again when I saw his legs bent inside the box. We had covered him in a white cloth so I couldn't actually see them, and I knew they were bent anyway; it was bent from the day we met him. But still...

Oh, and we never gave him a name after all; I started calling him おじいちゃん(grandpa) at some point but no one really did the same.


heaviest expectation

Don't expect too much of your future self.
I went to the shrine with my parents for 初詣(we pray for the new year to be a good one) and on our way back, my dad and I talked about 年賀状(a traditional card you get on New Year's Day).  I said it might be fun if we made it a custom to write a card to ourselves too.  I keep all the cards I recieve, and I enjoy reading the older ones, but I sometimes wonder what kind of cards I sent to people each year, so I said I was going to write a card for myself as well from next year.
But then my dad said it would be cool if we could send a card to our future selves, or in other words, recieve cards from our past self.  I said I didn't like the idea because it would most likely make me hate myself.  I could write anything - all the good things that I hope will happen to me, all the dreams I hope I would've accomplished... and above all, I would expect myself to be happy.
Think about when I actually get the card.  If something doesn't happen now it will not necessarily happen in the future.  Things are never as easy as it seems.  My future self will end up cursing my past self:  Am I happy?  Well, I'm sorry I'm not, but it's all YOUR fault.  You should've tried harder, you should've done this and that while you had time to write cards to me!
It would be nice if you could get cards from your future self:  Warning - do not choose this future because you'll regret it.
But since that's not possible, I guess I should just try to do my best in everything.  Or I'll just tell my future self to take things easier.  It's okay if you're not happy.  I'm proud of you either way.