
anatomy ends

It actually does seem like a short time to see everything in the body. It felt like we'd been doing it for ages (it was probably around 150 hours in total) but now that the class is over, it feels like everything was done before we knew it. Personally, I want to do it all over again because I still had a lot of things I wanted to observe. We were the last group in the lab when the test ended and everyone was fed up when I said I still wanted to look at all the organs; they sort of acted like a mother trying to tidy up all the toys while the kid was still messing around. One of the last things I wanted to touch was the testis but I gave up because I didn't want to look at it while everyone was looking at me. But all in all, we did see most of the stuff in the body. I felt a bit nostalgic when I put the brain back into his skull but I think everyone else was just tired.

Yesterday, when we put the bodies in the coffins, many groups had a coffin the family had prepared, but our friend's was prepared by the school. It was just a large box made of thin wooden boards and a plastic sheet inside and I felt sort of sad when I saw the other coffins with cushions and decorations inside. Our friend was tall so he actually needed a special coffin and I felt sad again when I saw his legs bent inside the box. We had covered him in a white cloth so I couldn't actually see them, and I knew they were bent anyway; it was bent from the day we met him. But still...

Oh, and we never gave him a name after all; I started calling him おじいちゃん(grandpa) at some point but no one really did the same.

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