Another brief conversation with my mother (and father):
(I've been studying all day for my microbe test while my father apparently has been doing some weeding. My mother calls.)
Mom: Your father has been lecturing me about weeding. あなたの父親、草に関する講釈がすごいんだけど
Me: Well too bad, he has nothing to talk about but weeds. しょうがないよ、草以外話すことないんでしょ
Mom: Remember the bunch of reddish-brown clovers? He says you have to dig it from the root. Otherwise, they sprout again. 赤っぽいクローバー覚えてるでしょ?根っこから取らないとまたすぐ生えてくるって
Me: Yeah... So have you ever heard of echinococcosis? ねえ、エキノコッカス症って知ってる?
Mom: ...Maybe you should talk to your father. ・・・ちょっとお父さんにかわるわ
Dad: Of course I've heard of it. It's popular in Hokkaido! 知ってるよ。北海道に多いやつでしょ
One good thing about being in a similar field as your father is that you can enjoy some very intriguing conversations with him about helminths.
One bad thing about having a vet husband and a would-be doctor daughter is that you have to listen about weeds and helminths when you care about neither.
Not that being a vet and loving weed-talks exactly go hand in hand.
And just for the honor of my father, he *does* have more than weeds to talk about. Much much more. I don't think he even likes talking about weeds...
Can I borrow your parents for a day? I think that would be really interesting.
返信削除I think so too! Someday maybe :)