

Waiting can be very romantic.  I'm a sucker for scenes in movies where they just show images of characters waiting -- pacing up and down, or sitting by the window, or making themselves busy with whatever work they have to do as the season changes.

While I was writing my New Year's cards, my mother was enjoying some music from the 1960-70s.  Many were Japanese folk songs which I realized were often NOT about love, but about general hardships in life.  I liked it because I sometimes feel like the importance of finding love is overrated.  But at the same time, my favorite happened to be a love song:

Mr. Postman

(Stop)  待って
Oh yes, wait a minute Mr Postman  そう、ちょっと待って郵便屋さん
(Wait)  待って
Wait Mr Postman  待ってよ郵便屋さん

*Please Mr Postman, look and see  お願い郵便屋さん、見てみて
(Oh yeah)
If there's a letter in your bag for me  私宛の手紙がその袋に入ってないか
(Please, Please Mr Postman)
Why's it taking such a long time  なんでそんなに時間がかかってるのかな
(Oh yeah)
For me to hear from that boy of mine  彼からの手紙が届くのが

There must be some word today 今日こそは一言あるはずなの
From my boyfriend so far away  すごく遠くにいる彼から
Please Mr Postman, look and see  お願い郵便屋さん、見てみて
If there's a letter, a letter for me  私宛の手紙がないか

I've been standing here waiting Mr Postman  私ずっと立って待ってるのよ、郵便屋さん
So patiently  こんなに辛抱強く
For just a card, or just a letter  ただのカードか手紙を
Saying he's returning home to me  もうすぐ戻るという彼の言葉を

repeat *

So many days you passed me by  あなたは何日も私を素通りした
See the tears standing in my eyes  私の目に浮かぶ涙が見えるのに
You didn't stop to make me feel better  私を慰めるために立ち止まって
By leaving me a card or a letter  カードか手紙を届けてはくれなかった

repeat *

(Why don't you check it and see one more time for me, you gotta)  もう一度見てみて、お願い
Wait a minute
Wait a minute
Wait a minute
Wait a minute
(Mr Postman)
Mr Postman, look and see

(C'mon deliver the letter, the sooner the better)  早く手紙を届けて、できるだけ早く
Mr Postman

I just love the lyrics.  In the age of emails and Facebook, I don't think we get to savor this kind of waiting experience where our hearts swell with anticipation, or the special joy that comes after the long waiting, or even the warmth of unfolding a letter.  Songs like this remind me of the feeling of deep gratitude I guess we all used to have for being able to connect with someone.

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